关于 About

新伊甸博闻录 是以旨在介绍多人在线游戏 EVE Online 的背景故事,翻译背景资料而编撰的文集。文集最初于2017年以专栏形式创立于知乎网,连载长达两年时间,翻译官方资料,背景故事与小说一百余篇,关注数逾两千人。




The Memories of New Eden is a collection of articles designed to introduce the backstory of the multiplayer online game EVE Online and to translate background information of EVE Chronicles. The collection was created as a column on Zhihu.com in 2017 and was serialized for two years, translating more than 100 pieces of official information, backstories, and novels, with over 2,000 followers.

Due to changes in the environment of speech in China, and other regrettable reasons, Zhihu.com deactivated my account on December 26, 2019, without prior notice, resulting in the column anthology not being updated properly. After communicating with Zhihu without substantive results, the collection is in fact in a state of suspended updates.

Fortunately, thanks to the attention and encouragement of my readers, I have been looking for other channels to maintain and update the blogroll. After many attempts, I finally decided to continue the unfinished work on WordPress and bring more content about EVE backstory to you.

Dear readers, the journey ahead is still long and the story of EVE is unfolding on the next page, the story of EVE belongs to player and player are needed. The journey of the past we walked together, and the future we will also be in New Eden, counting the story of stars together.